See also
Check out our other tools
Notationer 🧰🔧🛠
www.notationer.comIn case you need to convert text notation (e.g. camelCase to snake_case), you can use Notationer, a free web application
GGuid 🧰🔧🛠
www.gguid.comIn case you need to quickly generate a GUID, use GGuid, a configurable free web application for GUID generation, free web application
Html Washer 🧰🔧🛠
www.htmlwasher.comIn case you have an HTML cluttered with extensive formatting such as JavaScript, and inline styles, and need to clean it up, use HTML Washer, an HTML cleanup free web application
Html Corrector 🧰🔧🛠
www.htmlcorrector.comIn case you have a wrongly constructed HTML and need to make it valid, use HTML Corrector, an HTML fixing free web application
Html Instant 🧰🔧🛠
www.htmlinstant.comIn case you need to quickly edit a HTML HTML Instant, a free web application
HTML Enc 🧰🔧🛠
www.htmlenc.comIn case you need to quickly encode something into an HTML (and vice-versa), use HTML Enc, an HTML encoder, free web application
URL Enc 🧰🔧🛠
www.urlenc.comIn case you need to quickly encode something into a URL (and vice-versa), use URL Enc, a URL encoder, free web application
64 Baser 🧰🔧🛠
www.64baser.comIn case you need to convert a binary or a text file to Base64 (and vice-versa), use 64Baser a Base64 encoder, free web application
Hexator 🧰🔧🛠
www.hexator.comIn case you need to convert a binary or a text file to Hex (Base16) (and vice-versa), use Hexator a Hex (Base16) encoder, free web application
JsonEscaper 🧰🔧🛠
www.jsonescaper.comIn case you need to escape a string to use in a JSON (and vice-versa), use JsonEscaper, a free web application to escape it
RustEscaper 🧰🔧🛠
www.rustescaper.comIn case you need to escape a string to use in Rust code (and vice-versa), use RustEscaper, a free web application to escape it
PythonEscaper 🧰🔧🛠
www.pythonescaper.comIn case you need to escape a string to use in Python code (and vice-versa), use PythonEscaper, a free web application to escape it
JavaScriptEscaper 🧰🔧🛠
www.javascriptescaper.comIn case you need to escape a string to use in JavaScript code (and vice-versa), use JavaScriptEscaper, a free web application to escape it
JavaEscaper 🧰🔧🛠
www.javaescaper.comIn case you need to escape a string to use in Java code (and vice-versa), use JavaEscaper, a free web application to escape it
CEscaper 🧰🔧🛠
www.cescaper.comIn case you need to escape a string to use in C or C++ code (and vice-versa), use CEscaper, a free web application to escape it
C#Escaper 🧰🔧🛠
www.csharpescaper.comIn case you need to escape a string to use in C# code (and vice-versa), use C#Escaper, a free web application to escape it